Windows Apps

Windows Apps


Firewall Exception Tool for Windows 7 - 8.1 - 10


Now not Open Source anymore, but we provide 32bits and 64bits versions, and still for free.

With this easy program you can simply add an exception to your Windows Firewall.

Add Rulenames and block or allow programs or ports.

It replaces the need to access the Firewall itself, but you can always check if it has done what you wanted.

And replaces the need to manualy use the CMD command line.

If you do not know what this is for then you don't need it and then don't use it.

Using this program and every exception you make is for your own risk.

By using this program you agree to this risk.

Note  that this program is no longer updated.



Serial Remote Control

With this little software you can command your Touch Screen as sold by Legamaster.

The layout is like the original.

RCtxt small

This version only works via serial RS232 connection.

If you do not understand how this works then this is not for you.

If your size of screen does not react on a button, then the screen does not support the function.

Or you're to fast pushing all buttons after each other, so give it a little time.

Not all screen sizes bare all the same functions.

This software comes as is, without warranty and without support.

You need to have a direct RS232 connection from PC to the screen (possible with usb2serial).

Or you setup a program like VCOM and create a virtual com port and use your TCP output to the screen.

If you have questions: Google or better DuckDuckGo is your friend.




Firewall Exception Tool for Windows 7 - 8.1 - 10


Now not Open Source anymore, but we provide 32bits and 64bits versions, and still for free.

With this easy program you can simply add an exception to your Windows Firewall.

Add Rulenames and block or allow programs or ports.

It replaces the need to access the Firewall itself, but you can always check if it has done what you wanted.

And replaces the need to manualy use the CMD command line.

If you do not know what this is for then you don't need it and then don't use it.

Using this program and every exception you make is for your own risk.

By using this program you agree to this risk.

Note that this program is no longer updated.



Fault Database 32-bits / 64-bits

Dit is een Fouten database voor de liefhebber / hobbyist / reperateur of anderzijds.

In deze database kun je je gevonden fouten en oplossingen opslaan in een locale database en daaraan een foto koppelen.

Je kunt foutgebieden, merken en modellen aanmaken. En uiteraard deze ook weer verwijderen.

Dit is een programma, as is, m.a.w. je kunt er geen rechten aan ontlenen mocht de database verloren gaan. Je bent zelf verantwoordelijk voor een backup.

De database wordt opgeslagen in de installatie folder van het programma.

Het programma is gratis te gebruiken. Het is niet toegestaan te reverse engineeren of anderzijds inbreuk te maken op de auteursrechten. (c) 2020 JeeJeeStudio / Jerry Janson



Fault Database 32-bits / 64-bits

Dit is een Fouten database voor de liefhebber / hobbyist / reperateur of anderzijds.

In deze database kun je je gevonden fouten en oplossingen opslaan in een locale database en daaraan een foto koppelen.

Je kunt foutgebieden, merken en modellen aanmaken. En uiteraard deze ook weer verwijderen.

Dit is een programma, as is, m.a.w. je kunt er geen rechten aan ontlenen mocht de database verloren gaan. Je bent zelf verantwoordelijk voor een backup.

De database wordt opgeslagen in de installatie folder van het programma.

Het programma is gratis te gebruiken. Het is niet toegestaan te reverse engineeren of anderzijds inbreuk te maken op de auteursrechten. (c) 2020 JeeJeeStudio / Jerry Janson




No Double is a tool, free to download and free to use, to search for double files on your harddrive. Note that comparing files can take a while.

There are not many programs on the web who offer this, mostly these are paid software. 

You can either choose to delete files to your Recycle Bin which is recommended or Delete them permanently.

This is a 1.00 Beta version and can contain bugs.

This software was created using B4X.


Using this tool is solely your own responsiblity, by using this tool you acknowledge and agree that JeeJeeStudio and its owner(s) can and will not be held responsible or liable for any data loss. 

JeeJeeStudio and its owner(s) denies any responsibility or claims of data loss whatsoever.

Make sure you test this tool with copied folders and data (like photos etc) to ensure it works as anticipated, before using it on your valued data.

By Downloading and/or using this software you agree to the above.

Installing: Unzip the downloaded zip, double click the NoDouble_Install.exe file.

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